Terms & Conditions
Guarantees and Finances
We agree to pay Campamento Monte Sinai for the guaranteed minimum of 40 people. Once this contract has been signed and returned with our deposit to the Campamento Monte Sinai office, we are obligated to its terms and no alterations can be made within sixty (60) calendar days prior to the event. Should we cancel our retreat within sixty (60) days of the event, this deposit will serve as our cancellation fee.
To reserve the requested dates, we understand a non-refundable minimum deposit of $500.00 or $15.00 per person (whichever is the greater amount) must accompany this contract. This amount is deductible from our final amount due, less any damages incurred to Camp properties during our use of the facilities. (Please make payable to Monte Sinai. Send checks to 1113 S Columbus St Arlington, V.A, 22204 or make direct deposit in Suntrust Bank Account # 1000027480580).
We agree that our maximum number of people shall not exceed (75 people) unless additional retreat space is available and confirmed by the camp office prior to our arrival at Campamento Monte Sinai.
We agree to provide Campamento Monte Sinai with a copy of our retreat schedule and a exact counting of the number of people attending, ten (10) days prior to the event. Bills must be paid in full before the departure. A late fee of 5% will be assessed for any balances not paid within five (5) working days of our retreat. We will contact the camp office for payment arrangements. (Camp office hours on Saturdays are 09:00am to 4:00pm. The camp office is closed on Sundays).
We agree no to bring any pets to the campground. We also agree to the prohibition of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. Activities such as social dancing and gambling are not permitted, in keeping with the standards of Campamento Monte Sinai. Any questions regarding activities will be forwarded to the Camp Director in writing, prior to the event.